Long Take

My groups long take 

Will  – job role – Actor and director

Mykolas – job role – Actor 

Scott – job role – Cinematographer 

My job role – Actor and Screenwriter 

The narrative of our long take is about a character who is a victim of bullying, played by myself and how he overcomes the issues of bullying in my groups long take. The bullies are played by my two team mates and tease the protagonist a lot, they eventually realise that they shouldn’t have bullied the protagonist and realise their mistakes.  

The Director Will come up with the narrative structure and used some of our ideas for the long take narrative too. We used different camera shots such as: birds eye view, low angle shot and dutch tilt shot. We decided to use these camera shots because they represent the power of the bullies and the protagonist who has less power. 

Overall, my long take group were happy with what we accomplished  and felt the camera shots used in the long take made the narrative have more meaning, depth and understanding.  To improve for a future long take scene we want to use more camera shots as it will improve the understanding of a narrative.  


This is the link to the script I created for our long take scene. 

Long take script

Floor plan – Created by Scott 

Scott  created the floor plan for my groups long take and it shows how we planned to film the long take too . screen-shot-2016-11-17-at-12-58-52 

Video link 

At the bottom is our finished product of our long take we did . 


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