Uses and Gratifications




My favourite TV show Dr who

Dr Who is a BBC science fiction show that has been broadcasted  for more than 50 years and has become a successful show .  There are five important reasons  why I watch this TV  show and how these reasons still make me watch the show. 

Reason 1 – Informed and Educated

Firstly, Dr who has informed and educated me a lot about history .This is an important reason why I watch the TV show because they show visually how history represents itself and I still remember important parts of history because of Dr Who teaching me. Moreover, an episode called “The girl in the fireplace” is one of my favourite episodes as it taught me a lot about King Louis XV of France and Madam de Pompadour. The episode showed how King Louis ruled during his reign and what sort of relationship theses two historical figures had. In addition, another episode called “The fire of Pompeii” taught me about the destruction of Pompeii and I have always wanted to learn about this part of history.


Reason 2 – Entertainment

Secondly, I have been entertained by a lot of memorable moments during the series.One of my favourite moments of  the show is the 10th doctor’s regeneration (David Tennant) because his doctor introduced me to the series and to see him play the doctor for the last time was sad to see.

 My second favourite moment is the 11th doctor’s new tardis during the Christmas special because It was a moment in the show I did not expect to see and this made me excited to see how the new tardis will work and what new features it has. However, my most cherished moment of the show is Matt smith’s departure because he is one of my favourite actors and his last episode became my favourite Dr Who episode out of any other episode. 


Reason 3 – Personal Identity

Thirdly, I have been able to connect with characters thought the series because they are similar to me in a lot of ways. The doctor’s 11 incarnation’s personality is: goofy, funny, weird and determined. I can relate to this because my personality is a lot like this incarnation and my determination always helps to achieve a lot too.

In addition, a character called Craig Owens who is  a memorable supporting character demonstrates bravery and courage when facing the Doctor’s enemies. I feel connected to this character for this reason because I have had to stand up to myself sometimes and show myself to people how brave I can be.


Reason 4 – Interrogation and Social interaction

Fourthly, due to Dr Who’s popularity I have been able to connect with friends and family. An example of this was when I and my friend went to go watch Dr Who live. It was an amazing experience and we still have great memories of watching it. Additionally, my parents enjoy the show too, whenever a new episode is broadcasted we all sit down together and look forward to see what happens in the episode.  



Reason 5 – Escapism

Finally, Dr Who has allowed me to escape reality and be absorbed to another world. I always enjoy seeing the relationships the Doctor has with his companions and to see how the story-line develops thought each episode and series.



Overall, these reasons are important for why I watch this  TV show and how it has allowed me to connect with fans who also love the TV show too.









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