Research Proposal

Summary of proposal 

This page contains information about my research methods for my FMP and why I have chosen certain research methods. The research methods I have chosen will also help develop my final idea for my FMP too. 

What research methods do I intended to do? 

To start with, I am breaking down my research methods into three primary research methods and three secondary research methods. This will come to a total of six research methods that will help me develop my final idea. 

For my primary research, I plan on using the following research methods: survey, correspondence and focus group.

For my secondary research, I plan on using the following research methods: Internet research, existing content and films/dvds. 

Why have I chosen these research methods  

Primary Research Explanation 

I decided to do a survey for my first primary research method because it will allow me to understand my audience’s answers for questions they have answered and see what ideas are popular for my final idea. 

Correspondence will be my second primary research method because my audience will be able to tell me their opinion on my ideas and it will help me to understand which ideas will be the strongest and any weak ideas will allow me to improve them even more. And, this method will help me to see which people prefer a media product category because it will make me understand more about target audiences and find out why their preferred category appeals to them. 

A focus group will be my third primary research method because my audience will be able to have the opportunity to have their opinions on my ideas and the feedback will be able to help me improve upon my ideas and research.

Secondary Research Explanation 

Internet Research will be my first secondary research method because it will help me to understand reliable facts and statistics that will help develop my idea. And, it will also allow me to explore my chosen subject for my media product 

Existing content will be my second secondary research method because it will help influence my chosen subject for my media product. Moreover, it is important that my media product has an influence because it will allow my audience to understand the concept of my media product and where my influence came from. 

Films/Dvd’s will be my third secondary research method because they contain information about a media product and reasons’ of why they have aimed a media product at a certain audience. 

What do I intended to find out? 

I have set myself three targets that I want to find out for my media product: audience preferences, opinions and feedback. 

My first target is audience preferences because I want to find out about which audiences prefer a certain media product category . Also, I will find out why audiences prefer a media product category and find out what their interests are in a media product category. 

My second target is opinions because I want to know about audiences opinions about a media product because it is a good opportunity to understand other people’s point of views and their reasons for their opinion too.    

My third target is feedback because it will be good to get people’s feedback if a media product is well made and an opportunity to improve ideas for another media product.  

How will this help with my final idea? 

My targets will help my final idea because it help me understand my target audience and their interests for my final media product idea. Secondly, my target audience’s opinions can help improve my ideas for my media product. Thirdly, the feedback will give me an opportunity to allow me to understand what was the good parts of my media products and what other parts can be improved. Finally, my targets will help me with my final media product idea and improve my knowledge of creating a media product.


Overall, I believe the following reasons will help me for my research:my chosen primary and secondary research methods will help me with my research because it will allow me to understand my target audience, finding an influence will help my audience understand my media product’s concept, my targets will breakdown about what I intended to research for my FMP and the research will improve my knowledge of creating a media product and help me understand about target audiences.